Here you’ll find the standard demonstration examples, showing how to use many aspects of the ‘mIoTa’.
Sending UDP network packets
sub ToggleRedLed; RedLed=not(RedLed); if RedLed=1 then UDP1TxTestStr='RedOn' else UDP1TxTestStr='RedOff'; UDP_SEND(1,UDP1TxTestStr); subend; sub ToggleBlueLed; BlueLed=not(BlueLed); if BlueLed=1 then UDP1TxTestStr='BlueOn' else UDP1TxTestStr='BlueOff'; UDP_SEND(1,UDP1TxTestStr); subend;
Setting Servo Positions
mymac = &00:05:4F:80:00:FF; myip = @; myrom = #28E3D1E302000073; case FunctionNumber is 0 then callsub selected; is 1 then FunctionStr = TIMESTR; is 2 then FunctionStr = DATESTR; is 16 then if (DCHPEnabled=1) then begin FunctionStr ='checked'; u39='0'; end; is 40 then callsub Get_LCD_Line; caseend; sub IsScanFinished; if Wf_SCANFINISHED = false then FunctionStr = '1' else FunctionStr = '0'; subend; sub selected; u3 = httpfilename + '.' + httpextension; if (FunctionNumArgs<>1) then exit; case FunctionIndex is 0 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO1) then exit; is 1 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO2) then exit; is 2 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO3) then exit; is 3 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO4) then exit; is 4 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO5) then exit; is 5 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO6) then exit; is 6 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO7) then exit; is 7 then if (FunctionArg0 <> DO8) then exit; caseend; FunctionStr = 'selected'; subend; sub Get_LCD_Line; if (FunctionIndex > 0) or (FunctionIndex < 9) then FunctionStr = LCD_GetLine(1, FunctionIndex); subend;