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A variable is an area of memory that has been designated as a particular Data Type, whose value can be changed either by the mIoTa Operating System or by the users own BASIC program.


The mIoTa has a large number of variables. These can be split into two different categories.


User Variables’ which are entirely for use by the users program.


O/S Variables’ which are used to interact with the mIoTa’s Operating System.


All variables are named by a combination of a single letter and a number. E.g. U23, E10, W1. These are universal names that apply to mIoTa BASIC and access via the web pages and network apps as well as the Parameters File.


Note: The mIoTa BASIC Compiler IDE allows each variable to have a ‘Friendly Name’ assigned to it. This helps make programs easier to read and create, but the web pages and network apps must use the letter and number combination names.



In mIoTa BASIC User Variables are declared in the Variables Panel under the User tab. All other pre-defined O/S Variables can also be accessed via the other tabs on the panel.




Related topics: User Variables, O/S Variables, Data Types