FOR - NEXT Statements

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FOR - NEXT Statements

The FOR and NEXT statements implement an iterative loop and requires you to specify the number of iterations. The syntax of the FOR - NEXT statements is ..


for counter = initial_value to final_value;




Counter is a numerical variable which increments with each iteration of the loop. Before the first iteration, counter is set to initial_value and will increment until it reaches final_value.


final_value will be recalculated each time the loop is reentered. This way the number of loop iterations can be changed inside the loop by changing final_value.


With each iteration, statements_list will be executed.


initial_value and final_value should be expressions compatible with counter.



If final_value is a complex expression whose value can not be calculated at compile time and the number of loop iterations is not to be changed inside the loop by the means of final_value, it should be calculated outside the for statement and the result passed as a variable to the for statement's final_value. This way, the computation of the final_value expression is only done once reducing the execution time of the For - Next loop!



Here is an example of the FOR - NEXT statements ..


s = 0;

u1 = 5;


for i = 1 to u1 + 2; // i will range from 1 to 7

  s = s + a[i];
